Judd – 11 Months

fullsizerender-4Weight: 22 pounds

Length: Somewhere around 30 inches

Percentile: 95% for head and height and 50% for weight

Diaper Size: Size 4

Clothes Size: 18-24 months tops, 9-12 month bottoms

Feeding: Judd has discovered cuties and oh my are they his favorite. He will eat 2 full ones in a sitting.

Sleeping: Not too many updates…we’ve slept through the night more this month than in the past year. Hallelujah! We figured out a little rhythm that helps Judd. He sometimes needs a really late nap, as in like 6pm or 7pm for an hour or so. He will then be up for 2-3 hours and go to bed and sleep all night. On the nights he does not need a nap, I try not to put him to bed until 8:45, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t.

Family adjustment: Judd loves being a big boy and getting to go do “work” on the farm. He whines when he can’t leave with Daddy or uncle Chad to do things on the farm like Hank. He knows when they come in the house and crawls at lightning speed to get to them only to have the door shut in his face. He’ll sit and “paw” at the door crying for them to come back. He pulls himself up to the windows to watch instead.

Likes: His kitties. One is relentless and actually climbs in his stroller with him and has rode out with us to get the mail like that. He also loves eating whenever he can and being outside on the farm, helping Daddy and Chad.

Dislikes: Having to stay in the house with Mom or not being held.

Milestones: He’s getting another tooth, which makes 8. He’s started to say Dada and nigh-nigh. He’s walking around everything and even stands all by himself, but hasn’t taken any steps yet but in due time!

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